Why having a dog is a dream come true

Living with a dog makes you happier.


Source: myregalbeagle, Vine

While this is true, I, at nearly 20 years old, am still living in the dog-less dark.

For you pet owners/lovers out there, you probably remember the times when you were a kid, where you cried and begged your parents for a puppy (or whatever pet you desperately wanted) at least twice a year: once on your birthday and once for Christmas. Those were the times when both your parents and Santa were your worst enemy because even though getting a dog was the ONLY thing on your wish-list, you woke up to a stocking stuffed with ankle socks and stickers. Like gee thanks Santa. Looks like you won’t be getting anymore milk and cookies.

See, if I were ready to move out on my own, this wouldn’t be a problem. But I still live at home with my mom and dad, grandpa, and 22-year-old brother who happens to be allergic to cats and dogs. Go figure.

Those who are fortunate enough to live with a dog make me envious.

You lucky folk have the pleasure of being loved by a loyal canine companion. You have a friend to welcome you home after school or work. You have a running buddy, an excuse to take walks, a pal to cheer you up, and of course, an always-willing cuddle buddy. (For example, take Patrick Barnes and his dog Quincy, for instance.)

Studies even show that dog owners live longer than those living without one. Why? Because these cute and intelligent canines promote a stress-free and active lifestyle. Other studies show that some dogs have the ability to detect serious health problems such as low blood sugar levels in diabetics or even some types of cancer. So basically… dogs can save your life.

Maked superhero dog on lookout

Source: Karen Selbert, Pewaukee Veterinary Service

Now, let’s fast forward through my life. Throughout my adolescence, my family has had a fair share of different pets. We’ve had bunnies, budgies, lovebirds, and fish. But no dogs. No cats. My parents have always seen cats and dogs as a burden. They come with chores and 10-15 years of expensive medical bills, supplies, attention, and responsibility. And oh, hah, don’t forget my dad’s favourite argument: “no one will look after you dog while we’re on vacation.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this one when:

  1. Our family RARELY goes on vacations. But even if we were to then:
  2. I have many dog loving/owning friends and nearby relatives who’d be willing to dog watch or house-sit for a week or two and:
  3. Our family RARELY goes on vacations.

Now fast forward a little more and we’re here:

I, at nearly 20 years old, am working on adopting a dog.

My parents have FINALLY warmed up to the idea of it. On Friday May 29, my life will change. Two and a half-year-old Coconut, an American Eskimo, will enter my life.


Coconut, the American Eskimo

How did we come such a long way? My parents realized that I’m finally mature enough to take responsibility. Well…that’s what they say at least when actually it’s because I pressured them by almost coming home with a cat (everyone else in my household hates cats, so to compromise they opted for a dog).

In T-minus 3 days, we’ll soon have a dog of our own to love, cherish, and spoil. I know that living with a dog will bring challenges, but I’m looking forward to all of the ups and downs, heartfelt moments, silly mishaps, and adventures that come with living with dogs.

Sorry Santa. But it looks like I got the last laugh.


What advice would you give to anyone interested in getting a dog for the first time? Comment below! Let’s share stories.

One thought on “Why having a dog is a dream come true

  1. mlrivera says:

    Hey Dominique! I loved how much I could relate to your post. Reading through this post made me smile. I have a dog and I went through the same things you did as a kid. I always wanted a pet and the way you wrote the desperation of a 4-year-old kid was really accurate. I too remember pleading for a pet every Christmas and birthday. Also, I didn’t know how helpful dogs can be, in terms of them being able to detect illness in their owners. I’m excited for your new adventure. Having a new dog in your life can be really unpredictable but lots of fun. Good luck!

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